The Daily Brew
Selected astro-ph abstracts for Wednesday 2025 March 12
- A panchromatic view of N2CLS GOODS-N: the evolution of the dust cosmic density since z~7
S. Berta, G. Lagache, A. Beelen, R. Adam, P. Ade, H. Ajeddig, S. Amarantidis, P. Andr\'e, H. Aussel, A. Beno\^it, et al. [60 co-authors]
[ arXiv:2503.07706 | PDF File ]
- Relativistic ions with power-law spectra explain radio phoenixes
Uri Keshet
[ arXiv:2503.07714 | PDF File ]
- PEPSI Investigation, Retrieval, and Atlas of Numerous Giant Atmospheres (PIRANGA). III. Composition and winds in the atmosphere of TOI-1518 b
Connor Basinger, Marshall C. Johnson, Ji Wang, Alison Duck, Anusha Pai Asnodkar, Sydney Petz, Calder Lenhart, Ilya Ilyin, Klaus Strassmeier
[ arXiv:2503.07723 | PDF File ]
- On the Origin of Abundance Variations in the Milky Way's High-$\alpha$ Plateau
Tawny Sit, David H. Weinberg, Emily J. Griffith
[ arXiv:2503.07738 | PDF File ]
- JWST PRIMER: A deep JWST study of all ALMA-detected galaxies in PRIMER COSMOS -- dust-obscured star-formation history back to z $\simeq$ 7
Feng-Yuan Liu, James S. Dunlop, Ross J. McLure, Derek J. McLeod, Laia Barrufet, Adam C. Carnall, Ryan Begley, Pablo G. P\'erez-Gonz\'alez, Callum T. Donnan, Richard S. Ellis, et al. [17 co-authors]
[ arXiv:2503.07774 | PDF File ]
- OGLE-2011-BLG-0462: An Isolated Stellar-Mass Black Hole Confirmed Using New HST Astrometry and Updated Photometry
Kailash C Sahu, Jay Anderson, Stefano Casertano, Howard Bond, Martin Dominik, Annalisa Calamida, Andrea Bellini, Thomas Brown, Henry Ferguson, Marina Rejkuba
[ arXiv:2503.07820 | PDF File ]
- An analytical galactic chemical evolution model with gas inflow and a terminal wind
Kateryna A. Kvasova, Evan N. Kirby
[ arXiv:2503.07836 | PDF File ]
- Structure and Dynamics of the Sun's Interior Revealed by Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager
Alexander Kosovichev (New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ 07102, U.S.A), Sarbani Basu (Dept. of Astronomy, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06517, U.S.A), Yuto Bekki (Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, et al. [179 co-authors]
[ arXiv:2503.07880 | PDF File ]
- The Spectroscopic Stage-5 Experiment
Robert Besuner, Arjun Dey, Alex Drlica-Wagner, Haruki Ebina, Guillermo Fernandez Moroni, Simone Ferraro, Jaime Forero-Romero, Klaus Honscheid, Pat Jelinsky, Dustin Lang, et al. [105 co-authors]
[ arXiv:2503.07923 | PDF File ]
- Variation of Dense Gas Mass-Luminosity conversion factor with metallicity in the Milky Way
Sudeshna Patra, Neal J. Evans II, Kee-Tae Kim, Mark Heyer, Andrea Giannetti, Davide Elia, Jessy Jose, Jens Kauffmann, Manash R. Samal, Agata Karska, et al. [12 co-authors]
[ arXiv:2503.07931 | PDF File ]
- The discovery of a 41-second radio pulsar PSR J0311+1402 with ASKAP
Yuanming Wang, Pavan Uttarkar, Ryan Shannon, Yu Wing Joshua Lee, Dougal Dobie, Ziteng Wang, Keith Bannister, Manisha Caleb, Adam Deller, Marcin Glowacki, et al. [18 co-authors]
[ arXiv:2503.07936 | PDF File ]
- Four sub-Earth planets orbiting Barnard's Star from MAROON-X and ESPRESSO
Ritvik Basant, Rafael Luque, Jacob L. Bean, Andreas Seifahrt, Madison Brady, Lily L. Zhao, Nina Brown, Tanya Das, Julian St\"urmer, David Kasper, et al. [11 co-authors]
[ arXiv:2503.08095 | PDF File ]
- Precise Parameters from Bayesian SED Fitting Indicate Thermally-Driven Mass Loss Likely Driver of Radius Valley
David Jordan, Inseok Song
[ arXiv:2503.08347 | PDF File ]
- HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XVI. A super-Earth in the habitable zone of the GJ 3998 multi-planet system
A. K. Stefanov, A. Su\'arez Mascare\~no, J. I. Gonz\'alez Hern\'andez, N. Nari, R. Rebolo, L. Affer, G. Micela, I. Ribas, A. Sozzetti, M. Perger, et al. [14 co-authors]
[ arXiv:2503.08405 | PDF File ]
- JWST's First View of Tidal Disruption Events: Compact, Accretion-Driven Emission Lines & Strong Silicate Emission in an Infrared-selected Sample
Megan Masterson, Kishalay De, Christos Panagiotou, Erin Kara, Anna-Christina Eilers, Muryel Guolo, Wenbin Lu, Armin Rest, Claudio Ricci, Sjoert van Velzen
[ arXiv:2503.08647 | PDF File ]
- JWST Spectroscopic View of a Rapidly Growing Dust-obscured Quasar at $z \sim 4$: Effect of Dust Extinction Correction on Black Hole Mass and Eddington Ratio Estimation
Dohyeong Kim, Myungshin Im
[ arXiv:2503.08687 | PDF File ] Version 2.5.2 [2022-03-22]