# # BD+28 4211 - MODS Primary Spectrophotometric Standard Star # # Uses the LS60x5 spectrophotometric calibration mask. # # Note: faint red companion 2.8-arcsec away, should be used # primarily for blue calibrations. # # Takes a field image, align with modsAlign -r, optional thru-slit # image to refine as needed. # # Modified: 2012 Aug 1 [rwp/osu] # ACQMODE LongSlit Archive: Partner CALIBRATION PropID CALIBRATION PI_Name All Target: OBJNAME BD+28 4211 OBJCOORDS 21:51:11.021 +28:51:50.36 -35.55 -58.74 2000 GUINAME 1188-0568520 GUICOORDS 21:51:01.83 +28:48:20.88 # R=13.37 POSANGLE 0 AGWFILT Clear PRESET ACTIVE Instrument: SLITMASK LS60x5 ACQCamera Red ACQFilter r_sdss ACQexptime 2 ACQROI 1Kx1K Acquire: AcqGO print Run modsAlign -r to put the star at the slit reference position PAUSE SlitGO end