modsTools Release Notes 2013 Apr 11 - Version 1.3p1 - minor bug patch release mms2obs - v1.0.2 [2013-04-11] - "bug" patch This version of mms2obs permits the technically disallowed case where guide star and target declinations omit the + sign for northern declinations. The previous version would incorrectly extract the dec if the + sign was omitted and not detect that it had converted it into a nonsense sexagesmial format. Note that this would also affect modsView (and luciView), so new versions of those programs are also being rolled out. 2013 Jan 20 - Verison 1.3 - update release mkMODSAcq - v1.0.1 [2013-01-10] - modsView compatibility This version slightly modifies how it behaves when you do not specify a guide star. The output .acq file now has the placeholders for GUINAME and GUICOORDS as comments, and the script asks you to select a guide star using modsView --find. This makes .acq scripts without guide stars that will not cause modsView to abort with syntax errors if using modsView to select the guide star with --find. 2012 Sept 25 - Version 1.2 - update release mms2obs v1.0.1 [2012-09-25] Version of mms2obs that includes creation of a .cal script to acquire flats and comparison lamp spectra for a mask. This .cal script is a merged version of the flats/comps scripts from year 1 of science ops. All other scripts are unchanged. The script manual has been updated and posted to the MODS webpage to include information about the .cal script created. 2011 Dec 10 - Version 1.1 - update release modsProject v0.1.3 [2011-08-01] mkMODSAcq v0.3.1 [2011-12-09] mkMODSObs v0.6.1 [2011-10-14] mms2obs v0.6.1 [2011-12-09] mkMODSImg v0.2.1 [2011-12-09] Updates and additions based on the first round of science observing with MODS at the start of Semester 2011B. Added option to change the AGw guide filter for mkMODSAcq and mms2obs, with Clear as the default if unspecified. The command "POSANGLE x" is now an alias for "ROTATOR x POSITION". This was derived from a request from LUCI users, and recognizes that "ROTATOR x PARALLACTIC" is never used in an observing context since we cannot guide at a fixed (relative to the telescope body) rotator position - the rotator must always be tracking at a celestial rate ("POSITION" mode) for normal observing. The full ROTATOR syntax is available for specialized setup scripts. New tool, mkMODSImg, to create imaging scripts, a hybrid of an acq and obs script since no target alignment step is required, so it points the telescope and then, after wait for WFS convergence, executes science imaging. Based on prototype scripts created and tested by Rebecca Stoll [OSU] during the Sept 2011 science run. 2011 Aug 4 - Version 1.0 - first public release modsProject v0.1.3 [2011-08-01] mkMODSAcq v0.2.4 [2011-08-03] mkMODSObs v0.5.0 [2011-05-29] mms2obs v0.4.2 [2011-05-23] Scripts tested during MODS1 Commissioning and used to generate all of the observing scripts for the May science verification program. All of those scripts the weather let us run worked without problems. Notes taken during the May SV run were used to create the first public release. Documentation was written, including full instructions and example scripts as part of the general MODS Observing Scripts document. Tested on Mac OS/X (Snow Leopard), Linux FC3, CentOS 5.3, and RHE 9.x. All run the same, and produce the same output. Build the modsTools website.