!file: mods_blue_v7glb !revised 11/14/00 !revised 1/31/00 position of field lens corrected to agree with red channel RDM;LEN "VERSION: 8.50 LENS VERSION: 50 Creation Date: 27-Oct-2000" TITLE 'MODS bluechannel' !_______________________________________________________________________________________ ! MODS BLUE SPECTROGRAPH !_______________________________________________________________________________________ ! !Fused Silica Camera with filter in place. and dichroic substrate in place. Error !function is dependent on whether dichroic is in or out. EPD 8408.0 !diameter of primary mirror NB used diameter is less DIM M WL 642.758576347 565.799121337 488.839666327 412.679255855 336.518845383 REF 3 WTW 0 0 80 0 0 INI 'PLB' XAN -0.0333333333333 -0.0166666666667 0.0 0.0166666666667 0.0333333333333 !Field values for a 4 arc-min slit YAN 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 WTF 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 !These are the vignetting factors for the secondary diameter of 457 mm calculated !for a 4 arc-min slit height. VUY 0.01513 0.01515 0.01515 0.01515 0.01513 VLY 0.01513 0.01515 0.01515 0.01515 0.01513 VUX 0.01618 0.01568 0.01515 0.01459 0.01400 VLX 0.01400 0.01459 0.01515 0.01568 0.01618 ! SO 0.0 0.1e21 S 0.0 10663.69 S -19200.004 -10663.69 REFL !Telescope Primary CON K -1.0 CIR OBS 444.5 CUM 0.0; THM 750.0 S 1974.2416 10663.69 REFL !Telescope secondary STO CON K -0.7328021 CIR EDG 457.1 !size of secondary for f/15 @ focus CUM 0.0; THM 300.0 S -19200.0 3049.33 S 1014.0 0.0 !focal surface S 500.0 6.0 SILICA_SPECIAL GLB G5 !location for front of field lens XDE 0.0; YDE 0.0; ZDE 65.0 ADE 0.0; BDE 0.0; CDE 0.0 S 521.00 269.0 !rear of field lens S 0.0 25.0 SILICA_SPECIAL !dichroic substrate GLB G5 XDE 0.0; YDE 0.0; ZDE 275.0 ADE 0.0; BDE 35.0; CDE 0.0 S 0.0 0.0 !rear surface of dichroic S -6900.0 0.0 REFL !collimator GLB G5 XDE 0.0; YDE 342.6532; ZDE 3445.77 !Value of zde with dichroic ADE 5.70; BDE 0.0; CDE 0.0 CON K -1.0 CUM 0.0; THM 100.0 S 0.0 0.0 REFL !grating GRT K 0.0; IC Yes A 0.0; B 0.0; C 0.0; D 0.0 GRO 1; GRS 0.00181818181818 GRX 0.0; GRY 1.0; GRZ 0.0 GLB G5 XDE 0.0; YDE -357.5510; ZDE -123.3558 ADE -17.3; BDE 0.0; CDE 0.0 CUM 0.0; THM 30.0 S 0.0 0.0 !dummy surface locating camera (S10) GLB G5 XDE 0.0; YDE -653.8413; ZDE 532.8646 !global position w.r.t. slit center ADE -24.299999; BDE 0.0; CDE 0.0 ! ! __________________________________________________________________________________________ ! MODS BLUE CAMERA SECTION SEQUENTIAL FILE !___________________________________________________________________________________________ ! ! The first surface of each refractive surface is located globally with respect to the surface preceding the camera ! section (S12 above for the blue camera) ! S 2105.27833 40.0 SILICA_SPECIAL !front of corrector lens GLB G12 XDE 220.0; YDE 0.0; ZDE 0.0 ! S 2406.55412 1147.0876 !rear of corrector lens (aspheric surface) ASP k 0.0 A 0.156138556515e-9; B 0.258524237673e-16; C 0.388025729601e-21; D& -0.739378606444e-27 ! S -1525.0 -691.750992 REFL !camera mirror GLB G12 XDE 6.454; YDE 0.0; ZDE 1172.0825 ADE 0.0; BDE 8.04; CDE 0.0 THM 80 ! S 0.0 -6.0 SILICA_SPECIAL !filter front GLB G12 XDE 220; YDE 0.0; ZDE 495.3366 ! S 0.0 -2 !filter rear ! S -244.34593 -25.0 SILICA_SPECIAL !field flattener front GLB G12 XDE 220; YDE 0.0; ZDE 487.3366 ! S 0.0 -26.8672044 !field flattener rear S 0.0 0.0 GLB G12 !focal surface XDE 220; YDE 0.0; ZDE 435.469 ! SI 0.0 0.0 ZOO 5 ZOO WTW W1 0 80 0 0 0 ZOO WTW W2 0 0 80 0 0 ZOO WTW W3 80 0 0 0 0 ZOO WTW W4 0 0 0 80 0 ZOO WTW W5 0 0 0 0 80 ZOO REF 3 1 2 4 5 GO