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The Ohio State University College of Mathematical & Physical Sciences Department of Astronomy |
Attendees: Bruce Atwood, Jerry Mason, Tom O'Brien, Darren DePoy, Paul Byard, Chris Morgan, Dan Pappalardo, Mark Derwent, Pat Osmer, Jen Marshall, Juna Kollmeier, & Rick Pogge.
This report covers the MODS discussions at what was otherwise a general instrumentation group meeting. Note that the main effort of our group at present is LBT Aluminizing, so much of the present MODS effort is focussed on working with vendors who are fabricating many of the key components of MODS since most of the design work is completed. Once Aluminizing is done, the assembly, integration, and testing phases of MODS1 will begin in earnest.
Paul has reviewed the first 2 collimators mirrors delivered from REOSC, and they are essentially perfect. Their shipping packaging, however, was not very good, and put the pieces at some risk. We got lucky they weren't damaged. REOSC has been told, and they will change what they do when shipping the other 2 collimators to us early next year.
The blue field flatteners have been delivered by SOML, and the red field flatteners should be ready soon.
Report from Steve Miller at SOML is that the grinding for the aspheric side of the blue correctors is complete (recall that the 2 correctors are off-axis pieces from a single parent, so we get 2 at once). The surface figure error is currently 9-microns peak-to-valley. Polishing on the asphere will begins soon. The spherical sides of the correctors have an rms of 0.73 waves at 632 nm. Once the blue correctors are done, SOML will start in on the red correctors, since they are already tooled up for doing them, then proceed to the remaining camera primary mirrors.
Paul has interferograms for the collmiators and the first camera primary mirror, and has been working to integrate them into his Code-V model to evaluate the predicted image quality with the delivered optics.
Paul is also working on quotes for the dichroic, fold mirrors, and calibration system optics. These are small pieces that will not take too long to fabricate.
We have an integrating sphere quote (12-inch diameter with a 4-inch diameter port), but it will need some modifications for the calibration lamps. We're working with the vendor to get the necessary adapters for the penray line source lamps and the quartz-halogen continuum lamps. We have taken delivery this week of the first set of calibration lamps, 5 penray lamps for Ar, Ne, Xe, Kr, and HgA, as well as three 10W quartz-halogen lamps. We have bench power supplies for all of these, and are exploring remotely programmable supplies for the quartz-halogen lamps.
Mechanical Fabrication & Design
Indian Creek Fabricators in Dayton has made excellent progress on the first of the two upper structures. Mark and Tom were out at Indian Creek earlier this week measuring the reference points and mountings to verify everything is in place before the final welding begins. All of their measurments were within 1-mm of what they should be (bear in mind that this is in a steel structure nearly 3 meters across). All the various subframes for inclusion in the structure are done (e.g., the subframe used to support the focal plane mechanisms), all that is needed now is for the frame to be welded together and the various parts "carpentered" into place. They're doing a terrific job, and we should see the first completed structure in January.
Mark Derwent has been doing the finishing work on the cart. This cart has three basic functions:
Mark reports that the parts for the instrument hatch (aka "darkslide") will be coming in this week from Columbus Machine Works, and that 30 of the 40 tapers being fabricated by Elyria Metal Spinning are done, we should get all 40 delivered during Christmas week. Each MODS spectrograph needs 16 tapers, so we've order 32 with 8 extras.
MDM4K Filter Wheel
The new MDM4K filter wheel was successfully deployed at the MDM 1.3m telescope last week by Darren, Jen, and Rick. This is relevant here because the MDM4K filter wheel is essentially identical to the MODS filter wheels, the main difference being that it has mounting points for 12 4-inch square filters instead of 8 rectangular filters in the MODS filter wheels. Otherwise the overall design, drive gears, drive motors, use of proximity sensors for position encoding, radial mounted filter cells, etc. are identical. The MDM4K filter wheel also lets us evaluate intelligent motor controllers that we are contemplating using in MODS, and to prototype the motion control software. We are also field testing an ethernet serial port server which we are contemplating using for MODS. This device (a Comtrol DeviceMaster RTS-4 for this test) lets us treat the filter wheel as a network-addressable device (TCP/IP), even though the interface into the intelligent motor controller proper is an RS232 serial connection.
During the deployment, we made two main tests of relevance to us here:
Guide Cameras
We have not yet received the guide camera system from Steward Observatory. Delivery now looks to be sometime early in 2004. The holdup is a series of issues involving the Gen3 controllers and their control computers that need to be resolved by Mike Lesser's group before they can deliver the systems to OSU and Potsdam. One of the tests we intend to perform early on is to try our filter-wheel noise tests with this camera, using an identical system to the MDM4K that we are building for the Yale 1-m telescope at CTIO.