OSU College of Arts and Sciences Department of Astronomy

MODS Basic 2D CCD Reduction Programs

Version 2.0.4 [2019 Feb 2]



Starting with version 2, we are adopting the astropy FITS I/O module, occasioned by the official end of support for PyFITS by STScI (and in any event, the entire PyFITS projects has migrated to AstroPy). To use version 2 and any future releases of modsCCDRed, you will need to update your local Python to include AstroPy.


modsCCDRed is a collection of Python programs to perform basic 2D reduction (bias, trim, flat field, and bad column fixing) on raw MODS CCD data. The programs are written in Python 2. There is no schedule yet for a Python 3 version.


See the
modsCCDRed Manual [3M PDF]
for instructions on how to use and install the modsCCDRed programs. This manual describes essential details on how the programs work and the 2D reduction steps required. Be sure to read it carefully before using these programs to process MODS raw images.

modsCCDRed Programs

The core programs are:
Correct a raw MODS CCD image for overscan bias and trim off the overscan regions.

Fix known bad columns using IRAF-like bad pixel lists

Create a normalized color-free spectral pixel flat field image

Process raw calibration and science target images (overscan bias, trim, and flat), with optional bad column fixing. With version 2 modsProc support processing of binned images.
In addition, the following convenience functions are provided:
modsMedian.py - median combine a stack of images
modsAdd.py - sum or average a stack of images
modsSub.py - subtract one image from another


Current Version: v2.0.4 - 2019 Feb 2
Download modsCCDRed from GitHub
Or use git from your host computer
    git clone https://github.com/rwpogge/modsCCDRed.git
If you have previously installed modsCCDRed using git, you can update in place by typing
    cd /path/to/wherever/you/put/modsCCDRed
    git pull origin master
which will pull and commit any updates from the GitHub repository.

Release Notes
Installation Instructions

System Requirements:
Linux (CentOS 5-7, RHE9++)
Mac OS X (10.8 and up, later is better)
Python 2.7 (it does NOT work with Python 3 yet)
Required Python modules:
AstroPy (for FITS support)
We strongly recommend you install the free Anaconda Python distribution, especially on Mac or Linux. These give you updated versions of numpy and astropy as part of the distribution.

Acknowledging modsCCDRed

If your research used modsCCDRed, we ask that you follow
emerging software citation principles being adopted by the astronomical community to ensure the proper citation of software in scientific publications by using this registered software Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for modsCCDRed:
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.2550740
which includes a link to a preformatted BibTeX entry you can use in your papers so that citations of this software will be tracked by ADS.

modsCCDRed was developed for the MODS1 and MODS2 instruments at the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory, which were built with major support provided by grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation's Division of Astronomical Sciences Advanced Technologies and Instrumentation (AST-9987045), the NSF/NOAO TSIP Program, and matching funds provided by the Ohio State University Office of Research and the Ohio Board of Regents. Additional support for modsCCDRed was provided by NSF Grant AST-1108693.

Updated: 2019 Feb 2 [rwp/osu]