MicroFUN 2005
OGLE-2005-BLG-071 Planet
We are pleased to report the discovery of a several-Jupiter mass
planetary companion to the primary star in microlensing event
OGLE-2005-BLG-071. This is the second clear detection of a planet using
the microlensing technique. Data for this event comes from the OGLE,
MicroFUN, MOA, PLANET, and RoboNet collaborations. Photometry at the
peak of the event (see below) yields an extremely clean detection of
deviation from the light curve expected from an isolated lens. Detailed
modeling of the light curve gives a tightly-constrained planet-to-star
mass ratio of q=m_p/M=0.007.
Light Curve of OGLE-2005-BLG-071 composed of data from
the OGLE, MicroFUN, MOA, PLANET, and RoboNet sites.
[Full Resolution (352k JPEG)]
- Discovery Paper:
- Udalski et al.
(astro-ph/0505451), submitted to ApJ Letters.
- Press Releases:
- Ohio State
Research News Release.
- Stardome
Observatory (Auckland, NZ) Press Release
- Press Coverage:
- BBC News
- Astronomy Magazine
- The New Zealand Herald
- Sidney Morning Herald
- New Scientist
- JPL PlanetQuest Newsletter

Editorial Cartoon, NZ Herald (2005 May 26 - © NZ Herald)
[For non-kiwis: that's the NZ Parliament Building]