OSU College of Arts and Sciences Department of Astronomy

modsView finder chart
Target Visualization and Guide Star Selection Tool

Version: v2.1.7 - 2019 Nov 24



modsView is a python script for visualizing the MODS target acquisition scripts (.acq or .img files). It uses SAOImage DS9 to display a Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) image of the target field with a graphical overlay of the MODS focal plane showing the science and patrol fields, and labeling the positions of USNO NOMAD1 catalog stars in the field with their R-band magnitudes. This focal-plane view can be exported as a PNG image to be used as a finding chart for your observing program.

In addition to using DSS images, you can use a FITS image of the field provided it has a valid world coordinate system (WCS) with a precise astrometric solution in its image header.

modsView will draw the outlines of the slits for the MODS facility long-slit masks, and it can overlay multi-object mask slit locations by loading in a valid MODS mask design (MMS) file with the --mms option.

The primary use of modsView is to verify target acquisition scripts (.acq or .img files) created using the modsTools package. It will verify that the selected guide star is within the guide patrol field after the telescope preset, and after any offsets requested as part of the target acquisition (e.g., for blind offsets to a faint target). You can also display the approximate region of the guide probe's shadow to see if the choice of guide stars is occulting any of the slits.

To assist in selecting guide stars, the --find option will print a list of candidate guide stars that satisfy the magnitude limits and patrol field constraints for the current pointing (including any offsets).

modsView and its companion luciView are designed to help LBT users, on-site observers, and LBTO support astronomers validate MODS and LUCI target acquisition scripts before attempting execution, or to help debug problems after the fact (i.e., after someone uploads an unverified acquisition script, or edits one on the fly). Copies of modsView and luciView have been installed on the LBTO mountain-top observing computers.

This webpage describes how to download, install, and use modsView. Clicking on the screenshots will show a full-size version of the figure.

modsView is now the preferred way to select and verify guide stars for MODS target acquisition, replacing the lbtView program. lbtView will be phased out entirely in June 2013, and support/development was halted in January 2013. lbtView users should migrate to modsView and the companion luciView programs.

Binocular Operation

With the start of routine binocular operations in Semester 2016B, we have updated the wavefront sensor pickoff optics in MODS1 so that it is the same as in MODS2 (i.e., a full-frame pickoff with the guide star centered in the guider field-of-view instead of offset). As a result, starting with Semester 2016B, there is no practical difference between MODS1 and MODS2 with regards setup and guidestar selection.
You must update to version 2.1 (or later) from older versions of modsView before preparing scripts for MODS after October 2016.

If you are re-using MODS1 scripts from before semester 2016B, you should check these scripts with the new modsView, as the change in the WFS pickoff optics means that the guide probe shadow has changed relative to the guide star, and older scripts that had guidestars that were close to but did not occult the slits may now block the slit.

System Requirements

modsView is written in Python, and has been tested with Python v2.6 and v2.7 (CentOS 6.2 and 6.3, and Mac OSX Lion thru High Sierra). The latest version will work on Python 3 (v3.6.5), tested using the the Anaconda distro on MacOS 10.13 (High Sierra), but as always with MacOS your mileage may vary.

You need to have the SAOImage DS9 display program and X Public Access (XPA) packages installed on your system:

SAOImage DS9 and XPA
We have tested modsView with DS9 v7.1 and XPA v2.1.14. It is known to work as far back as DS9 v6.2 and XPA v2.1.10, but you are advised to update to the most recent versions, except DS9 v7.2 which has known bugs and should be avoided until v7.3 or later is released.

MacOS: App vs. X?

If you are installing modsView on a MacOS system, you must install the X version of ds9 as a standalone program, not the App version (i.e., the X icon version on the ds9 download page, not the shiny blue apple icon).

Reports are that ds9 v8.0 has problems running in standalone (non-app) mode, especially on MacOS Mojave (aka 10.14) systems. Mojave made a major change in how programs are installed on MacOS, and you have to install ds9 as a non-app personal executable not a system-installed app to ensure it will work (even then, bets are off). We advise waiting until at least ds9 Version 8.1 before upgrading. Mojave has been nothing but trouble for early adopters, and for anybody running anything except code originating from Apple.


You also need to install the pyds9 Python module on your system:
To date we have tested modsView with pyds9 up through v1.7. When v1.7 migrated from SAO to github, there was a change in the module name, which the modsView v2.1.1 patch addresses.

See the Release Notes for what is new in the current version of modsView.

If you are a Mac OSX 10.8 or later, you need to make sure your version of Python is up-to-date. We strongly recommend adopting the free Anaconda Scientific Python distribution as we had the best success with this, and it includes everything we need except pyds9.

Download and Install modsView

The current public version of modsView is v2.1.7 (2019 Nov 24), now distributed on GitHub:
modsView (GitHub)
And follow the instructions in the readme file. You can download directly from GitHub from your terminal shell if your computer has git installed (it should if a modern computer, Linux or Mac):
    git clone https://github.com/rwpogge/modsView.git
If you have previously installed modsView from GitHub, you can update it by typing
    cd /path/to/wherever/you/put/modsView
    git pull origin master
This won't work unless you installed it using the git clone method above.

Before you can use modsView, you must have DS9, the xpa tools, and pyds9 installed and tested on your system. To see if pyds9 has been installed in your local Python, type:

   % python
   Python 2.7.9 |Anaconda 2.1.0 (64-bit)| (default, Dec 15 2014, 10:33:51) 
   [GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-1)] on linux2
   Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
   Anaconda is brought to you by Continuum Analytics.
   Please check out: http://continuum.io/thanks and https://binstar.org
   >>> import ds9
If it returns any errors with the last command, (e.g., "ImportError: No module named ds9"), then try
   >>> import pyds9
When pyds9 migrated from SAO to github for distrubtion, they changed the module name but did not provide a back-compatibility option.

However, if neither works, then pyds9 is not installed (or you have a Python path to locally-installed modules defined incorrectly),

Using modsView

modsView reads a MODS target acquisition (.acq) or imaging (.img) script and then opens a custom DS9 window named "modsView" to display the target field, markes guide star, draws a MODS focal plane overlay, and marks NOMAD1 stars in the field.


   Usage: modsView [options] modsScript [fitsFile]

     modsScript is a MODS .acq or .img script
     fitsFile  optional: use this FITS image with a WCS instead of DSS

     --mms mmsFile overlay slits from an MMS multi-object mask file
     --shadow    overlay the guide probe pickoff shadow region (default: no shadow)
     --finder    create a PNG finder chart
     --grid      overlay celestial coordinate grid (default: no grid)
     --rotate    rotate to fixed-MODS orientation (default: N=up/E=left)
     --noalign   do not align the DSS image to N=up/E=left, default: align
     --size s    change the size of the image to s arcmin (default: 12 arcmin)
     --cat catID use catalog catID, options: nomad, ub1 or ua2 (default: nomad)
     --nocat     do not overlay catalog stars
     --keepcat   do not delete star catalog working files (default: delete catalogs)
     --find      Print a list of candidate guide stars to select from
     --minmag x  specify the catalog faint magnitude limit. default: 16.5
     --maxmag x  specify the catalog bright magnitude limit, default: 11.0
     --server x  image server to use, must be one of stsci or eso, default: stsci
     --survey x  sky survey to use, must be valid for server
                   defaults: stsci=all, eso=DSS2-Red
     --nolabel   do not label the image with OBJNAME
     --nodisp    only print the analysis and quit without displaying in ds9
     --kill      kill any delinquent/hidden modsView ds9 window and exit
      -V         print version info and exit

   See the DS9 manual for server/survey options
Each of these options are described in the following sections.

Basic Examples

To view a MODS acquisition (.acq) or imaging (.img) script, you would type
   modsView ngc5387.acq
This will launch a custom DS9 window, retrieve an image of the field from the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) server at STScI, and then
  1. Draws the MODS science field as a green box. If using one of the facility long-slit masks, it will draw the slit(s).
  2. Draws the MODS AGw unit guide patrol field as a light blue box.
  3. Marks the preset target coordinates with a yellow circle.
  4. Marks the guide star with a red circle
  5. Searches the NOMAD catalog for the field and plots catalog stars labeled with their R-band magnitudes.
  6. Draws a circle delimiting the full instrument rotator sweep on the field.
  7. Draws a compass to indicate the image orientation (North/East)
The default size of the DSS image is 12x12-arcminutes. We've modified the appearance of DS9 to make the modsView window look distinct from a default DS9 instance (e.g., as might be used by IRAF).

Before making the plot, it prints a summary of the targeting information and verifies that your guide star is inside guide patrol field at the selected instrument rotator angle. For example:

   % modsView ngc5387.acq 

   MODS .acq Script: ngc5387.acq

         Object: NGC 5387
         Coords: 13:58:24.8 +06:04:17
     Rotator PA: 22.0 deg
     Guide Star: 13:58:15.871 +06:00:25.24
     AGw Filter: Clear
      Slit Mask: LS5x60x1.0
    Acquisition: Red Camera, r_sdss Filter, Exp=30.0 sec

   Guide Star Check:
     The guide star is inside the MODS patrol field after the telescope preset.

   Displaying MODS sky view:
     Downloading DSS image from the server...
     Plotting NOMAD1 catalog stars with their R magnitudes...
     Magnitude Range: 16.5 < R < 11.0

   Guide Star Catalog Info:
     Star ID: NOMAD1 0960-0232655
      Coords: 13:58:15.88 +06:00:25.14
        Phot: R=13.93 B=14.11

If your acquisition script includes an offset after the telescope preset, modsView will verify that the guide star is still inside the AGw patrol field after the offset. The final offset position will be drawn over the DSS image with the original "aim point" for the script drawn as a yellow circle so you can see the offset. For example:

The report includes the offset requested and post-offset guide-star checks:
   % modsView.py  ngc5387_spec3.acq 

   MODS .acq Script: ngc5387_spec3.acq

         Object: NGC5387
         Coords: 13:58:24.8 +06:04:17
     Rotator PA: 22.0 deg
     Guide Star: 13:58:15.871 +06:00:25.24
     AGw Filter: Clear
      Slit Mask: LS5x60x1.0
    Acquisition: Red Camera, r_sdss Filter, Exp=30.0 sec
   DETXY Offset: dX=20.50 arcsec dY=0.00 arcsec type=rel

   Guide Star Check:
     The guide star is inside the MODS patrol field after the telescope preset.
     The guide star is inside the MODS patrol field after OFFSETXY.

   Displaying MODS sky view:
     Downloading DSS image from the server...
     Plotting NOMAD1 catalog stars with their R magnitudes...
     Magnitude Range: 16.5 < R < 11.0

   Guide Star Catalog Info:
     Star ID: NOMAD1 0960-0232655
      Coords: 13:58:15.88 +06:00:25.14
        Phot: R=13.93 B=14.11
If you want to see what parts of the field are shadowed by the AGw pickoff mirror and actuator arm, you would use the --shadow option:
   % modsView ngc5387_spec3.acq --shadow
The nominal MODS guide probe shadow regions are drawn in yellow:
See below for more details on how the guide probe shadow is represented.

If you just want to check the guide star and print summary info without viewing the field in DS9, you would type:

   % modsView ngc1234_field2.acq --nodisp

Finall, to get quick help, type

   % modsView
without arguments. This will show the usage message, providing a quick summary of the command syntax and the various command-line options available.

Advanced modsView Options

Use a FITS Image instead of DSS

By default modsView displays a DSS image of the field. If you yhave a FITS image with a valid precision World Coordinate System (WCS) astrometric solution in the image header, you can use that image instead of a DSS image.

For example:

   modsView NGC5194_3.acq NGC5194HA.fits
Will use FITS image NGC5194HA.fits as the background image and draw the overlay on that.
Some provisos when using this option:

Overlay a Multi-Object Mask (MMS)

If the target acquisition script is for multi-object spectroscopy target, the --mms option will overlay the alignment star and target slits. You need to have the MMS file used to create the slit mask (since you need this file to run modsAlign at the telescope, you should have it anyway).

For example:

   modsView NGC5194_3.acq --mms NGC5194_3.mms
Will draw the MODS focal plane and the multi-object mask slits over a DSS image of the field:
The alignment star boxes are drawn in magenta, while the target slits are drawn in green. These are all drawn actual size.

One utility of this option is to check a mask design to make sure you haven't put very bright stars in the alignment boxes. In this case, one of the alignment stars (just above center) is 12.7 mag, which would saturate a 60-second acquisition image.

Make a Finder Chart

The -f/--finder option will create a PNG-format finding chart of the field. The name of the finder includes the acquisition or imaging script name. For example:
   % modsView pg0823.acq --finder
will create a PNG file named pg0823.png with the MODS field overlaid.
The finder is oriented in the conventional way: North=Up, East=Left. A direction compass is plotted in the upper right-hand corner. In this particular example, the acquisition script was for a spectrophotometric standard star to be observed with the 60x5-arcsecond calibration mask slit. The label at the top center is derived from the OBJNAME parameter in the .acq file.

Draw the Guide Probe Shadow

The --shadow option will overlay a representation of the nominal guide probe shadow. The shadow region is drawn in yellow.

The picture below is a representation of this field created using modsView and the --shadow option with a MODS acquisition script:

The shadow regions are a conservative representation of the actual MODS probe shadow intended to provide basic guidance to avoid occulting the long-slit masks with the guide probe. A more detailed rendering of the shadow is beyond the basic graphic capabilities provided by DS9.

The intent is to provide guidance as to when a particular choice of guide star will block light from getting into part of a slit (the guide probe is located above the slit mask). In some cases, occultation of an unused part of the slit is acceptable in order to use a suitable guide star for an observation, but in all cases when you are close to the slits, you should use --shadow to evaluate how it might block your targets.

Overlay Catalog Stars

By default, modsView uses the NOMAD1 catalog to display stars. R magitudes between default limiting magnitudes of 16.5<R<11.0 mag are shown. These limits can be changed using the --minmag and --maxmag options:
   % modsView ngc1234.acq --minmag 15 --maxmag 12
For example, this combination of command-line options instructs modsView to only display stars between R=12 and R=15 mag. In this context, "min" means faint, and "max" means bright.

You can also elect to select on B magnitudes, e.g., when doing acquisitions of very blue targets in blue-only mode and selecting the B_Bessel filter for the guide camera.

   % modsView --agwfilt b
Note, however, that if your acquisition script already has the AGWFILT parameter set to to B_Bessel, modsView will automatically selects B instead of R magnitudes.

You can also change the star catalog used with the -c/--catalog option. For example:

   % modsView ngc1234.acq --catalog ub1
uses the USNO-B1 catalog. At present we support three star catalogs:
nomad = NOMAD1 - a simple merge of data from the Hipparcos, Tycho-2, UCAC-2, and USNO-B1 catalogues supplemented with 2MASS final release point-source photometry.

ub1 = USNO-B1.0 Catalog (Monet et al. 2003), a 3-color, 2-epoch catalog that provides all-sky coverage down to V=21 at 0.2"e; accuracy and 0.3mag photometric accuracy.

ua2 = USNOA2.0 - earlier USNO 2-color, 1-epoch catalog, now superceded by USNO-B1.
These default catalog is NOMAD1 which is the most complete catalog compilation and has sufficiently accurate photometry for selecting guide stars.

Finally, you can suppress plotting any stars by using the --nocat option:

   % modsView ngc1234.acq --nocat
This option has no effect guide star checking.

Select a Guide Star

If you have a script with no guide star, or with a dubious guide star (e.g., too faint, outside the guide patrol field, in the vignetting region, etc.), you can use modsView to get help selecting a guide star with the --find option:
   % modsView ngc1234.acq --find
This will take the target coordinates and rotator position angle from the acq script and print a list of candidate guide stars selected from the NOMAD1 (or specified) star catalog that satisfy the following criteria:
  1. Within the magnitude limits (default or specified with --minmag/maxmag)
  2. In the LUCI guide patrol field at this rotator position angle
  3. Not inside either the science field or the recommended guide probe vignetting avoidance region (shown in yellow on modsView).
All stars that meet this criteria are listed by number (order in the star catalog excerpt loaded from the catalog server) along with the ID, coordinates, and R and B magnitudes. For example:
Searching the NOMAD1 catalog excerpt for candidate guide stars...

Found 7 candidates:
  Star     ID           RA          Dec        R     B
   30  1193-0159140 07:51:30.15 29:18:06.88 12.21 14.90
   27  1193-0159095 07:51:12.41 29:20:21.33 12.86 14.77
   29  1193-0159123 07:51:21.66 29:19:23.22 13.09 17.91
   61  1192-0161961 07:51:12.60 29:17:38.77 13.42 15.12
   31  1193-0159142 07:51:30.96 29:18:24.48 15.17 16.61
   26  1193-0159094 07:51:12.31 29:19:38.30 15.40 14.23
   28  1193-0159118 07:51:18.85 29:18:36.59 15.99 13.52
Select a guide star (0 to abort):
At the prompt, enter the star number to select (e.g., 30), or 0 to quit selection. On selecting the star, it will be circled in cyan and the stub of script code needed for this start will be printed in your terminal screen to cut and paste into your acquisition script. For example, selecting star 30 above would print:
Select a guide star (0 to abort): 30

Guide Star Selection:

  GUINAME NOMAD1 1193-0159140
  GUICOORDS 07:51:30.15 +29:18:06.88 # R=12.21 B=14.90

Selection OK <y|n>?
Answering y will complete guide-star selection and exit modsView. Answering n will repeat the selection prompt, but not redisplay the table of choices. This will let you try out a number of possible guide star choices without having to re-run the program.

Note that we do not automatically select a guide star because there is an irreducible element of user judgement that must come into play.

Change the DSS Image Server

By default, modsView uses the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) image server at the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore Maryland. The standard DS9 default survey of "all", which means it lets the STScI server deliver the best image it has from among the various survey options, which is usually the red POSS2 image.

European LBT partners may wish instead to use the DSS images server at ESO in Garching:

   % modsView ngc1234.acq --server eso
Will use the ESO image server and the DSS2-red survey. This is the closest match (visible from LBT) of the default images delivered by STScI.

You can change the sky survey image source with the --survey keyword. Options are:

all - pick the best [default]
poss2ukstu_red = POSS2 UK Schmidt Red Plates
poss2ukstu_blue = POSS2 UK Schmidt Blue Plates
poss2ukstu_ir = POSS2 UK Schmidt IR Plates
poss1_red = POSS1 (Epoch 1954) Red Plates
poss1_blue = POSS1 (Epoch 1954) Blue Plates
DSS1 = POSS1 red plates
DDS2-red = POSS2 Red Plates [default]
DSS2-blue = POSS2 Blue Plates
DSS2-infrared = POSS2 IR Plates
The name convention is that used by the DS9 program.

Image Size, Coordinate Grid & Orientation

modsView has a few options for altering the appearance of the image (and finder chart):
-s/--size N
Change the size of the DSS image retrieved to NxN-arcminutes. The default is 12 arcminutes. This option is ignored if displaying your own FITS image.

Overlay a celestial coordinate grid on the image
By default no grid is plotted

Do not orient the image North=Up/East=Left.
In some parts of the sky the DSS images are rotated relative to the RA/Dec grid, for example:
Using the --noalign option supresses the alignment of the image with the celestial coordinate grid:
leaving the DSS image oriented in physical pixels. In this view the N/E compass in the upper right-hand corner indicates the orientation.

Rotate the image to a fixed-MODS orientation.
The default modsView shows the sky with MODS rotated to the requested instrument PA. --rotate rotates the sky and leaves MODS fixed. For example:
This orients the view to be the same as that of MODS science camera images of the field.

Miscellaneous Options

These options control the operation of the modsView program:
Will only perform the analysis of the guide star and other syntax checks, but not display a sky view for finder chart.

Print the current version number and date and exit.

Will kill a delinquent or "lost" modsView DS9 window and exit. Sometimes you iconify and forget it. This lets you kill it and start over.

Known Issues

modsView works well most times, but there are occasional problems. These are the most common issues we encountered during testing.

ds9 unable to load DSS image from dssstsci...

There are at least two known causes:
The field is at or near the southern boundary of the DPOSS survey.
For example, this error occured for a target at (RA,Dec)=(15:37,-24:26).
The solution was to switch to the eso server:
    modsView B1514-241.acq --server eso
and it displays fine. The boundary between the northern and southern survey coverage is ragged, so it is hard to predict when a particular target will land too close to the last image boundary in the survey.

The server query times out.
This sometimes happens if network traffic to the server is high. DS9 waits a maximum time (about 2 minutes) for a response from the image server at STScI or ESO before timing out. In this case, just repeat the command.

ds9 unable to display FITS image file NGC1234.fits ...

This is an oddity of DS9. If the modsView DS9 window is already up and was previously used to only display DSS images, it will fail to load a user-defined FITS image of any size.

The solution is to kill the modsView DS9 window and send the command again. After this, you can mix DSS and user FITS images easily. I have no idea why it does this.

Reporting Bugs

If you encounter any bugs or odd behaviors, please contact Rick Pogge (pogge.1@osu.edu), and if possible include the MODS script and any other files (MMS or FITS) as attachments.

Acknowledging modsView

If you used modsView in your research work, we ask that you follow emerging software citation principles being adopted by the astronomical community to ensure the proper citation of software in scientific publications by using this registered software Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for modsView:
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.2550759
which includes a link to a preformatted BibTeX entry you can use if you cite this software.

modsView was developed for the MODS1 and MODS2 instruments at the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory, which were built with major support provided by grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation's Division of Astronomical Sciences Advanced Technologies and Instrumentation (AST-9987045), the NSF/NOAO TSIP Program, and matching funds provided by the Ohio State University Office of Research and the Ohio Board of Regents. Additional support for modsView was provided by NSF Grant AST-1108693.

Release Notes

These notes are chronological from most recent to oldest releases. Older copies of modsView are available below, but we strongly recommend that you only download the latest version. This is the version that is installed at LBT.
Version 2.1.7 (2019 Nov 24) - AGw Patrol Field Update
Updated the coordinates of the AGw patrol field to a least-common denominator for MODS1 and MODS2.

Version 2.1.6 (2018 Sep 05) - Python 3 Fixes
Some fixes supporting efforts to port to Python 3, still only being testing on a Mac running MacOS HighSierra and anaconda python 3.6.5, but changes so far have been benign on python 2.7 systems, so back-compatibility has been preserved.

Version 2.1.5 (2018 Jul 22) - Compatibility & Bug Fixes
This is a compatibility and bug fix version that rooted out some otherwise unnoticed minor bugs that were in the way of running modsView in Python 3. Not actually a port to Python 3 so much as a few tweaks to run in a back-compatibility way. Also verified to work on MacOS 10.13 (High Sierra), though your mileage may vary as always with MacOS.

Version 2.1.4 (2018 May 15) - Experimental version for SNS tests
Experimental version that tested a very experimental and not yet ready for darktime observing mode of MODS we won't repeat soon.

Version 2.1.3 (2016 Dec 04) - Cosmetic Patch
This is a patch for version 2.1 that addresses a minor cosmetic issue in one print statement that elicited comment from some users.

Version 2.1.2 (2016 Nov 15) - min/maxmag Patch
This is a patch for version 2.1 that addresses a problem whereby users could not change the minimum (faint) and maximum (bright) catalog star magnitudes for display with --minmag/--minmax.

Version 2.1.1 (2016 Oct 15) - ds9 Patch
This is a patch for version 2.1 that addresses a problem encountered by users with an older version of pyds9. While we urge people to update to the latest version of pyds9, this patch will bridge the gap.

Version 2.1 (2016 Oct 12) - MAJOR UPDATE
Version 2 is a major update to support MODS1 and MODS2 binocular operation starting with LBT Semester 2016B when the MODS1 WFS pickoff optic was updated so that it is the same as in MOD2. As a result, there is now no practical distinction between MODS1 and MODS2 for modsView, but, you should check all pre-2016B MODS1 scripts with modsView to verify that your guide star selections are still valid with the reconfigured MODS1 guider (MODS2 scripts will not have this problem).

Previous Versions

Version 2.0 (2015 Nov 20) - Initial MODS2 support
Version 2.0 added support for MODS2, and correctly drew the MODS1 and MODS2 guide-probe positions for the different WFS pickoff optics then in MODS1 and MODS2. After we updated the MODS1 WFS pickoff optics to be the same as MODS2 in October 2016, this version was retired, and must numbe used.

Version 1.6 (2015 Jan 22) - new features
Added additional interaction to the --find feature for guide star selection. It now requests you confirm the new guide star choice or allow you to repeat the selection or abort. This makes modsView more convenient for initial guide star selection, and at the telescope. Added some additional script syntax checking - for example it now requires that OBJNAME and GUINAME have an argument (at least "None") otherwise it aborts. A blank OBJNAME/GUINAME will cause an acq script to fail at the telescope.

NOTE: Version 1.6 is the last release of modsView before Version 2.0. It only supports MODS1. Use Version 2 to pick guide stars for MODS1 and MODS2.

Version 1.4.3 (2014 Feb 23) - bug patch
Bug found in plotting the guide patrol field that would allow selection of stars that are outside the AGw stage Y-axis limits after an offset of ~13mm to put the guide star into the WFS hotspot. Also found a place where the dimensions of the guide patrol field had been entered twice and different. This bug patch Addresses issues encountered at the telescope during engineering tests that selected guide stars as far as possible away from the optical axis on UTC 2014 Feb 23.

Version 1.4.2 (2013 Apr 11) - bug patch
Allows for the case of MMS files with no + signs on declinations. While this technically not permitted in well-formatted MMS files, it can still happen, especially in MMS files that might be altered by hand. We now test for and allow this case. Also fixed a hitherto undetected bug in the rendering of the guide probe shadow under RA/Dec offsets.

Version 1.4.1 (2013 Mar 19) - bug patch
Fixed a bug in the offsetting logic that would only have been apparent in certain RADEC offset combinations at high declinations.

Version 1.3.4 (2013 Jan 7) - incremental bug patch
Fixed a bug in --minmag/--maxmag whereby it was possible to give modsView nonsensical magnitude limits (bright limit fainter than the faint limit). This condition is now trapped at startup and the crash-point it causes in findStar() patched.

Version 1.3 (2012 Dec 19) - feature update and bug patch
Fixed bugs in instrument view after offsets. Added the ability to display tilted MOS slitlets with --mms and restored the --rotate feature. A patch added Dec 19 addresses a minor problem with python 2.7 with the --find option.

Version 1.2 (2012 Dec 03) - major release
Added numerous (mostly transparent) enhancements to execution. Added --find to print a candidate list of guide stars to select from, and the NOMAD1 catalog is now the default star catalog. The AGWFILT value in the acq script is used to select B magnitudes to display on the finder if AGWFILT=B_Bessel. The summary report has been expanded to give more details, including star catalog data (R and B mags) for the guide star if available. Also fixed a number of bugs, cleaned up some ds9 setup, and updated the webpages.

Version 0.6.6 (2012 Jun 10) - incremental bug patch
Fixes a bug in the display of the guide probe shadow when a blind RADEC offset is requested in the acquisition script.

Version 0.6 (2012 May 21)
Introduces MMS file overlay and user FITS image support, customization of the DS9 window appearance, and quick fixes for some ugly bugs that snuck into v0.5. This is the last beta testing release before v1.0 (the full public version) is launched.

Version 0.5 (2012 May 20)
Second beta release. Adds the --shadow option to overlay the outline of the nominal guide probe shadow and OBJNAME labeling.

Version 0.4 (2012 May 4)
First beta release of modsView.

Notes for Mac OSX Users

Starting with OSX 10.8 (Mountain Lion) Apple has changed how you install python and other packages that fall outside the Apple app ecosystem. We are assuming that if you've been using Python, IRAF, and other non-Apple apps on Mountain Lion or Mavericks, you already more about this problem than you wish to and are configured accordingly. If not, ask your sysadmin for help getting python, ds9, xpa, et al. installed.

Regarding which Python to use on Mac, we strongly recommend that you adopt the free Anaconda Scientific Python distribution. We have found that this distribution addresses nearly all of the issues that made installing Python on Macs difficult at best before. You will still have to install pyds9 by hand, but it is much simpler with Anaconda to get it integrated correctly using the native "setup.py" script as per the pyds9 installation instructions.

Updated: 2019 Nov 24 [rwp/osu]