OSU College of Arts and Sciences Department of Astronomy

MODS Observing Preparation Tools

This page provides links to MODS observing preparation tools: mask design, observing scripts, target visualization and guide star selection, exposure time calculators, target visiblity and atmospheric refraction calculators and more.

This will be a work in progress for some time, and will add more (and we hope better) tools as we gain experience observing with MODS on the LBT.

MODS Instrument Manual

MODS Instrument Manual v1.4.5 (2013 Jan 20 - 5Mb PDF)
This and the Observing Scripts Manual constitute the user manual for MODS.

Please direct comments and suggestions to Rick Pogge (pogge@astronomy.ohio-state.edu). Manuals will usually be updated before the start of each observing semester.

MODS Multi-Object Slit Mask Design Software (MMS)

MMS is the mask design software for MODS, based on LMS for LUCI.

The link below leads to the User's Manual and the MMS package download.

MMS v1.6 (2011 Nov 28)
Please update your version of MMS.

MODS Observing Script Preparation

modsTools is a suite of programs that will create MODS observing scripts. Links below include the MODS observing script manual, download of modsTools script, and example scripts.
MODS Observing Scripts Manual v1.3.2 (2013 Jan 20 - 1Mb PDF)

modsTools - MODS Observing Script Preparation Toolkit (v1.3 2013 Jan 20)

Example MODS Observing Scripts

Please read the MODS Script Manual before using the examples or script tools.

MODS Target Visualization and Guide Star Selection

modsView is a Python program that uses the SAOImage ds9 display for MODS target visualization and guide star selection and verification.
modsView - MODS Target Acquisition and Guide Star Selection Tool (v2.1.1 - 2016 Oct 15)
A companion program, luciView, can be used for LUCI target visualization and guide star selection.

lbtView End-of-Life

As of 2013 June 1, we phased out lbtView, and removed it from service. If you still have a copy of lbtView, get rid of it, please, and instead use modsView and luciView.

MODS Observing Planning Tools

Web-based exposure time calculators, target visibility, and atmospheric differential refraction estimators.
MODS Observing Planning Tools (2012 Nov 6)

Updated: 2014 Feb 23 [rwp/osu]